Chinstrap Penguins

9 March 2025 à 10h00

In 2024, the Biodôme welcomed new residents in the polar world : chinstrap penguins! 

Explore the fascinating world of these unique sea birds, known for their smart black “chinstrap” that set them apart from other penguins. Discover their behaviours, their natural habitats, and their adaptation to their new environment. Join us online for a gripping dive into the life of chinstrap penguins! 

Day: Sunday 9 March 

Time: from 10am to 11am, online 

Capacity: no limit! 

Minimum recommended age: 6 and over 

The link to join the lecture will be sent in the Thursday 27 February newsletter. 

These lectures are for Friends of the Biodôme only, please do not share the link.

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