A Night at the Biodôme

8 November 2024 à 00h00

Falling asleep to the slow waltz of sturgeons and jellyfish… Being woken up at daybreak by the calling of the macaws or a playful river otter… The Friends of the Biodôme are inviting you to set up camp in the ecosystems! For one night, live a memorable experience, including a backstage tour of the Biodôme and a night spent in an ecosystem. 

Day: from Friday to Saturday8-9 and 22-23 November 

Time: from 6.45pm to the next day, 8.30am 

Capacity: 60 members per night 

MANDATORY Age : 6 and over 

Please read the event rules and conditions before booking. 

Please be aware that, due to the high level of booking, the capacity limits, and the substantial resources needed, booking will be done by random draw. 

Inscriptions for the draw will be available through the Thursday 17 October newsletter. 

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